Which campaigns do you remember? Which campaigns have changed your behavior and mindset or made you buy a product?

Most of us think we are impervious when it comes to campaigns. However, impact metrics and marketing tell a different story:

Campaigns and marketing can shift opinions, emotions, and behavior. They work best when they are strategically and creatively developed to reach specific goals and audiences.

Nathalie C. Larsen
“We succeed when we bring new perspectives to the table. When the message of the campaign becomes a discussion at the family dinner”
Creative Director

Data and analytics give us the right insights

In our campaign work, we start by gaining a deep understanding of the challenge through data and analytics, customer experience and market trends. Based on this, we develop the strategy and key insights on which the campaign will be based and which will appeal to the recipient.

The exercise is based on data, behavioural psychology, and trends, and we make a great effort to understand the recipients’ drivers and barriers, their worldviews, and their everyday lives.

Once the key insights are in place and we understand the campaign’s goals and audience, the creative process begins with developing the campaign idea, concept and key messages. It needs to hit the mark in terms of content, tone and expression and channels.

Anita Baun Hørdum
“We need to create curiosity and encourage action”
Group Client Lead & Partner

Creativity is the answer to how we communicate what we want

The starting point for our creative work is often an experience, a situation or a shared emotion. Our ambition is to move people. To challenge the established and bring a new angle to the table. To strike a fundamental emotion – right where the heart is.

A successful campaign translates what you want to change into a language and a story that the recipient wants to spend time with.

Stories connect people in a way that advertising money can’t compete with. With strategic campaign management, we combine the best of both worlds: the creative approach creates the necessary connection and relationship with the target audience, while the muscle of the marketing strategy ensures that we meet people at the right time and in a situation where they are ready to be engaged.

Finally, in our creative work, we look outwards and borrow from references and trends in the digital and physical world. Because often, it’s the sum of your brand, the qualified idea and consideration for the world in which the campaign operates that produces the best results.

Don’t hesitate to give us a call to see if we can help you with your next campaign.