Crisis Communication & Contingency Planning

Crisis cases can have many causes, and no two crises are the same. But what they have in common is that they can have fatal consequences for the reputation of organizations and individuals if not handled professionally.

Good crisis management matches your business goals, and a well-managed crisis will often be one you’ve never heard of. But communication alone rarely fixes the problem – action is also needed.

Expectations for modern businesses are increasing these days. Purpose, vision, and global goals mean that we are seeing more and more responsible and visionary companies. At the same time, customers, shareholders, NGOs, and the press are increasingly interested in whether companies live up to their promises. Because they have to.

Good crisis communication is about being as proactive as possible and managing the course of events and the associated communication in a carefully planned strategy and action plan.

Therefore, it’s not the media and the shitstorm you should fear but your own lack of preparation.

Marianne Hjaltelin
“The pressure can be enormous. Sometimes for good reason, other times almost for no reason, because fear clouds the overview”
CEO & Partner

Focus on details and thorough situation analysis

Good crisis management requires you to get to grips with the details of the situation quickly, consider all scenarios and possible courses of action, map players and opponents, and understand the motives and motivations of target groups and stakeholders in detail.

In addition, you need to be razor-sharp on the messages and have a plan for who, to whom, how and when the messages will be delivered.

What’s the worst that can happen? And what is the best that can happen? The worst can often look bad, but in fact, companies regularly emerge stronger from crisis situations because they handle them well and take clear responsibility. It’s an opportunity to achieve something extraordinary – to show drive and credibility.

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We prepare for everything and adapt the handling to your case and your needs. In addition to strategy and planning, we create detailed contingency plans, ongoing crisis response exercises, media training for spokespersons, social media management plans, internal communication plans, as well as ongoing advice and press handling around the clock.

Our internationally experienced crisis advisors have helped organizations and individuals plan for and overcome large-scale crises and cases ranging from food production, labour disputes, environmental cases, dishonest subcontractors, financial cases, government investigations, social media shitstorms to the firing of a CEO.

With us, you get a dedicated team to prepare for and respond to unusual, uncertain, and complex situations that threaten your objectives, reputation or existence as a company or organization.

Of course, all crisis cases are handled with the utmost confidentiality and discretion.